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Arts & Science Program

First-year Arts & Science Capstone Project: Lucy Moreira

Lucy Moreira

Winter 2024 Capstone Project Title: Disparities in Universal Healthcare: Socioeconomic Factors Impacting Ovarian Cancer Care

Project Description: My poster discusses disparities in universal healthcare, specifically socioeconomic factors impacting ovarian cancer care. I chose to discuss ovarian cancer care because I found that health outcomes for ovarian cancer have a significant variance in survival based on stage at diagnosis and perceived risk, which tend to be informed by socioeconomic status. This issue led me to the question of what factors contribute to socioeconomic disparities in receipt of ovarian cancer care under systems of universal healthcare. Specifically, I point to the inverse care law, policy response as a potential mechanism of disparities, and the role of neoliberal governance in healthcare—particularly in framing health as an issue that exists entirely within the private sphere—as factors perpetuating disparities.

The 1C06 Capstone experience: I chose to research this topic due to my interest in public health and how socioeconomic disparities operate within public sectors. I found the process of researching this topic incredibly interesting and informative, and enjoyed learning about a range of topics in capstone poster discussions with my peers.

Key Takeaways: I learned about the interconnected roles of political, social, and economic ideologies within healthcare, and the significance of neoliberal culture in informing perspectives on health.

Lucy Moreira Capstone Poster

Click here to read interviews with the other first year Arts & Science students.