Gary Warner began his career at McMaster as an assistant professor of French literature, later serving as chair of the Department of Romance Languages, associate dean of Humanities, director of the Arts and Science Program, founding director of McMaster International and founding co-chair of the Theme School on International Justice and Human Rights.
Nationally, Warner was director of CUSO’s (Canadian University Service Overseas) Sierra Leone program and chair of the CUSO board of directors. Closer to home, he worked with the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board on the Race Relations Inservice Program Development Committee and the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Review Panel. He was a founding member and co-chair of the Hamilton Committee Against Racial Discrimination (CARD) and chair of the Settlement and Integration Services Organization (SISO). He was co-chair of the advisory committee for the creation of the organization that became the Hamilton Council for Civic Inclusion and he chaired the Hamilton Community Foundation. He also chaired the working committee of the roundtable on the Strengthening Hamilton’s Community Initiative in the aftermath of 9/11.
Warner’s list of honours includes the McMaster Students Union Lifetime Achievement Award, the Royal Bank Distinguished Citizen of the Year Award, the John C. Holland Award, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal and investiture as a Member of the Order of Canada.