McMaster’s Arts & Science Program Celebrates 35 Years!

On 14-15 October 2016, Artsci faculty and students from the first year of the Program (1981) to the present gathered to celebrate the Arts & Science 35th anniversary. The University Club on Friday night was certainly loud and lovely, filled with the music of Kaffeehaus and the conversation of Artsci alumni enjoying Milk & Cookies (35th reunion edition). On Saturday, activities included an Open House in C-105, an Alumni Engagement Workshop in the Council Chambers, and a gala dinner in CIBC Hall, complete with Trivia (35th reunion edition) and exceptional speeches by Dr. Herb Jenkins (founding Director, 1981-90), Dr. Sara Mendelson (who, with Dr. Alan Mendelson, taught ARTSSCI 1A06 and 4CT3 to generations of students), Dr. Gary Warner (Director, 2000-05, 2010-11; team-taught ARTSSCI 1C06 for many years and, more recently, helped launch 3GJ3), and Dr. Bob Henderson (longstanding ARTSSCI 4CM3 prof. and, more recently, co-facilitator of 3IE1 module “Winter as Place”).
Dr. Herb Jenkins’ Speech
Dr. Sara Mendelson’s Speech
Dr. Gary Warner’s Speech
Dr. Bob Henderson’s Speech
Sincere thanks to all the current students who helped out: Jamie Beverley and Matthew Jordan (Kaffeehaus); Mythili Nair and Balie Tomar (Alumni Engagement Workshop); Marina Bredin (with behind the scenes help from Gali Katznelson and others), Alison St. Pierre, and Spencer Williams (Trivia, and hosting duties at Gala Dinner). Special thanks to Shelley Anderson (Program Administrator), responsible for the heavy lifting (literally, more than once), and to recent Artsci grad Chris Litfin for taking care of all the A/V needs. It was a wonderful celebration of Arts & Science—an extraordinary community, for which many expressions of gratitude certainly resounded throughout the weekend.
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